Hello all,
I thought I would provide a bit of vocabulary:
intersex- a broad term that can refer to several disorders related to ambiguous sexual identification. Two of the most common are Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)
DSD- Disorders of Sex Development is an alternate term for intersex which has been promoted by intersex activists because of the confusion that the term "intersex" introduces with respect to gender identity.
sex assignment- surgery commonly performed on intersex infants to distinguish them as male or female
gonads- sex cell-producing organs, testes or ovaries
androgyny- refers to those without gender-specific sexual characteristics, or sexual
preferences, or gender identity, or a combination of these
ISNA- Intersex Society of North America
karyotype- having to do with the number and type of chromosomes
etiology- causes of a disorder or disease
virilization- the biological development o...
A discussion group for people who like to think twice before jumping to conclusions. Each month we dive deep into a subject with a presenter and a preassigned set of reading/audio/visual materials. Open and honest inquiry on all topics is encouraged and welcomed. The only investment is your time. We most often meet the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.