In 2006 Harvey Mansfield wrote a book entitled "Manliness" where he defined the trait as "confidence and command in a situation of risk." Is that a good definition? If so, why do we associate being confident and commanding in risky situations with men? Should we? Does it matter whether these qualities are gender-specific? A couple of readings: Interview with Harvey Mansfield (National Review) Another Interview with Harvey Mansfield (Human Events) 7 Lessons in Manliness from the Greatest Generation (Art of Manliness Blog) Optional Debating Manliness A rather heady piece that shows Walt Whitman being criticized for being crudely manly, but lacking true manliness. An interesting piece that highlights the nuanced definition of manliness as something more refined than the arguably carnal, base instincts that come with being male.
A discussion group for people who like to think twice before jumping to conclusions. Each month we dive deep into a subject with a presenter and a preassigned set of reading/audio/visual materials. Open and honest inquiry on all topics is encouraged and welcomed. The only investment is your time. We most often meet the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.