Discussion leader: Jay Griffith Special guests: Eric and Brinn Chipman of the local band Matteo . Recommended readings (and listenings) From Eric: Radiolab: Musical Language What is music? Why does it move us? How does the brain process sound, and why are some people better at it than others? http://www.radiolab.org/2007/sep/24/ The episode is called "Musical Language." It's an hour long, and if you have time, the whole thing is great. If you don't, though, it's worth just listening to the first section (here: http://www.radiolab.org/2007/sep/24/behaves-so-strangely/ ), which is 20 minutes. We are going to talk a little bit about the differences in the way the Chinese (traditionally) approach music. Below is a video of a GuQin piece, this instrument is the one played by Confucius and is considered the most "sacred" of instruments. Also below is a sample of what a piece of traditional chinese music looked like, the actual notation that is. http://w...
A discussion group for people who like to think twice before jumping to conclusions. Each month we dive deep into a subject with a presenter and a preassigned set of reading/audio/visual materials. Open and honest inquiry on all topics is encouraged and welcomed. The only investment is your time. We most often meet the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.