A few dialogue triggers on Human Trafficking: Q: What is human trafficking? Q: How do we prevent human trafficking? Q: Why is the concept of “Safe Migration” significant? Q: What is the USA and Global Community doing to prevent human trafficking? Sept 11, 2012 Article Human trafficking: a misunderstood global scourge Sex trafficking has become an American cause célèbre. But does it divert attention from the broader human trafficking issue of modern-day slavery? April 04, 2012 U.N.: 2.4 Million Human Trafficking Victims The UN crime-fighting office announced that 2.4 million people across the globe are victims of human trafficking at any one time, and 80 percent of them are being exploited as sexual slaves. Yuri Fedotov, the head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, told a daylong General Assembly meeting on trafficking that 17 percent are trafficked to perform forced labor, including in homes and sweat shops. ...
A discussion group for people who like to think twice before jumping to conclusions. Each month we dive deep into a subject with a presenter and a preassigned set of reading/audio/visual materials. Open and honest inquiry on all topics is encouraged and welcomed. The only investment is your time. We most often meet the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.