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Showing posts from January, 2013

16 Jan 2013: Memoir writing workshop

We'll start with a short discussion about the craft of memoir writing and then have a few writing prompts. Bring something to write with -- pen and paper, a computer, or whatever you like to use to write. Readings: Introduction to Memoir Writing document/d/ 1tg6rUbuWrNbWaCDOwYKGcRABq6227 oIkMDA2lOFv1Bo/edit The Sacred Journey by Frederick Beuchner - Introduction and excerpt  (A coming-of-age memoir by a Presbyterian writer and minister) id= 0B7UbQMI3woZqTTZ1NnEtMjFSeE0 The Sacred Journey by Frederick Buechner - "Giants of our childhood" excerpt id= 0B7UbQMI3woZqVTJXNFc5dXlEWnc Other good examples of memoir (you don't have to read them all, just choose one or two if you're short on time): The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls - excerpt  (First couple chapters of her memoir of a crazy childhood) id= 0B7UbQMI3woZqSEJ...