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Showing posts from November, 2016

Thursday, November 17 | Exploring Our Political Opponents

Thursday, November 17 , 7:30 pm  |  Dialogue leaders: Jacob Hess & Shelly Jenson Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City. Late-comers, please use the back door.   Discussion: Simple idea: Spend some time seeking to understand and empathize with your political opposite. This evening will be most successful if we come prepared with some ground-work laid as well as an open mind and heart. Then come ready to enjoy a facilitated discussion regarding what we discovered and how we might help our community and nation following the election come together in policies and actions that will create a better tomorrow.   Think Again has become a beloved community of mostly progressives and liberals. I would love to see us, especially following this election, seek greater understanding and reconciliation with those different than us. Even better, I'd love those same people we see at times as the "crazy other" to be a p...