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August 4, 2009: What Determines Attraction?

One thing the world does not lack is experts on the nature of love. Ask five people what determines attraction and you'll get five theories based on all kinds of selective evidence and personal experience. But is attraction really so peculiar to each couple, or are there universals? Are there biological predispositions, or do environmental factors like timing, scarcity, and competition make all the difference?

In our dialogue this month, we approach the topic from a scientific approach first. Emily Bates, our in-house geneticist, will be giving a 20-minute presentation on some scientific approaches to the question of attraction, and then facilitate the dialogue the remainder of the time.

Please add some comments in advance of the discussion regarding your interest in the topic. What questions would you like to discuss? Have you read anything that you think illuminates this topic? What would you like to get out of the dialogue on August 4?

Please feel free to contact Emily directly if you want to discuss anything offline. Her email address is eabates at gmail dot com.


  1. Matt Connelly7/25/09, 12:08 PM

    The modern American standard of what constitutes physical beauty is fairly well-defined on both the male and female side. I would also argue that most countries have adopted similar standards. While it would be interesting to know what drives those standards (and I'd say reproduction has a HUGE role in it), I'd especially be interested in discussing the non-physical elements of attraction. In other words, the elements that augment pre-existing physical attraction. For example, what role does personality type play? Communication style? Educational level and intelligence? Family background? Social status? Material choices (clothing, cars, home, etc)? For me, these are the questions that seem the most interesting...and perhaps the most complicated (same-sex attraction excepted).

  2. ditto matt's thoughts. i'm excited to hear everyone's perceptions in these areas!

  3. Will readings be coming anytime soon?

  4. Ok...I know this is really late, I could have sworn I posted this over a week ago (more proof I am computer illiterate). There was a special on the Discovery Channel not long ago entitled, "The Science of Sex Appeal". If you go to this website:
    You can view different clips that discuss many different aspects of what attracts us to each other. Very interesting.


  5. Matt Connelly8/4/09, 9:40 PM

    Great discussion Emily. Accomplished like a true professor!


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