This pinch-hit topic has come up a number of times over the last couple of years. Some people have asked "Do guns make us safer?" and "What is the fascination with guns?" On Tuesday we will explore these and other questions. Jay Griffith and Tiffany and Mitch Spence will lead the discussion. Jay has arranged for his brother-in-law, Tony Latham, a retired Fish and Game Officer and 19-year firearms instructor to join by phone to contribute to the discussion. Prep Materials : Listen to a 45-minute interview with Dan Baum , a writer and Liberal Democrat who is the author of an article in this month's Harper's Magazine called "Happiness is a Worn Gun" about his love of guns and his life as an atypical carrier of a concealed weapons permit. Read "Do Guns Save Lives?", a short Time article from 1989 that succinctly captures some of the key points of the debate. OPTIONALLY, you could do some quick wiki reading on the 2nd Amendment and gun politi...
A discussion group for people who like to think twice before jumping to conclusions. Each month we dive deep into a subject with a presenter and a preassigned set of reading/audio/visual materials. Open and honest inquiry on all topics is encouraged and welcomed. The only investment is your time. We most often meet the third Thursday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30 pm at Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.