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December 7, 2010: New Topics for 2011

Time to pick topics again!

On Dec. 7 we will get together to mingle and merry-make while we discuss our topics for 2011 (think "party" more than "dialogue"). Please bring a little something tasty and festive to share with the group. Sweets or savories welcome!

It would be great to have at least 25 topics to choose from. Suggest a topic as a comment on this post. Include a draft title and any questions or curiosities you have that led you to suggest the topic. For example:

Tea Parties and Marijuana: Why the right stole the show in 2010.

"Numbers in Nature" Mathematical patterns show up all over in nature. It would be interesting to become familiar with some of these patterns and why scientists think this happens.

Left-Handers: What is up with them?
Left-handed people are disproportionately represented in high-ranking political offices, corporate boardrooms, and in influential art circles. Is this just a strange coincidence or is there more there?

You can throw out a one-liner, or get as detailed as you like in your explanation of the topic. We'll compile the suggestions and discuss them on Dec. 7. We'll pick one for January, and vote on the rest throughout December via the blog.


  1. It is easier for me to think about future topics for Think Again by framing my thoughts as a list of questions. These are questions that I would like to discuss next year in our group meetings:
    1) Generally, what brings people happiness?
    2) Is wealth redistribution a good thing? And, if so, what methods of redistribution are best?
    3) What is social entrepreneurship and does it work? - John Hoffmire

  2. I have a few ideas:
    Emily Evans

    1. What determines intelligence and who gets to decide? We could talk about IQ tests, the multicultural dimensions of IQ scores, other models of intelligence, like Musical and Athletic intelligence, etc.

    2. The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Builders, Generation X, Generation Y, and the E generation. What differentiates these generations and what aspects of growing up in different times affects us. We could have representatives from each age group give opinions.

    3.The United States Constitution:is it a Bible or a general guide book? How does the constiution impact our government? What has allowed it to last for over 200 years? (my dad used to work at the National Archives, and I could ask him to moderate)

  3. Sadly I'll be unable to attend tomorrow, duty (aka church stuff) calls. In terms of topic ideas, here's what I have been able to come up with:

    1) Interpreting the Constitution:
    Does our current government overreach the powers granted to them
    therein? (Could fit with some of the other ideas mentioned above, including Tea Party)

    2) Prescription vs. Restriction: The advantages and disadvantages of government regulation.

    3) I always like to put in a plug for the idea of some kind of field trip, so if there's a topic that would lend itself to that, I say let's do it. :)

  4. I will not likely be able to make it tonight. While I will miss being a part of the discussion I am confident another year of excellent topics will be chosen.

    For a field trip: I have a friend who is a potter by trade—Ben Behunin. He has made his living doing this for the past 15 years. He has a wife and 2 kids. While in their 20's, he and his wife served an inner city mission for the LDS church. He was just released from being a bishop for that same church. He is in his mid 30's and has just published his third book in a series about a young potter. They are delightful and thought provoking. He has a whimsical home and studio in Sugar House. It would be worth your time to see the studio and the art he creates. It is both irreverent and inspiring. His love for live and art is fun and infectious. Yet he is also very practical. I have heard him speak to a group before and he can share some remarkable insights about following your dreams and passions while staying true to your ideals.

    I would like us to explore the connections between the food we are consuming, how we obtain it, and what it is helping (or not helping) us become physcially, spiritually, and socially.

  5. Here's my vote:

    The fibernachi sequence has fascinated me for some time so I'd love the "Numbers in Nature" to be a topic to explore.

    A discussion regarding the constitution would be valuable.

    Since the tea party movement is having an effect on our government, it would be wise to understand the motives and desires of this group.

    Topics 2 and 3 from John Hoffmire would be interesting to explore.

    I also am interested in intelligence (since I'm needing some) and looking more deeply at the differences and similarities of the generations.



  6. Don't shoot me. One more idea that just came to me as I was working, listening to NPR and then some fun folk music came on. I started moving to the music, tapping my foot, and practically dancing with my butt in my chair. What's with that? What is it about music that makes it a body mover and mood changer? I'd like to know the science behind this.


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