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January 21: The Anthropology of Happiness: Human Intention in Discovering a Meaningful and Fulfilled Life

Thursday, January 21, 7:30 pm  |  Dialogue leader: Dave Shuler

Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.
Late-comers, please use the back door. 

A brief review of certain historical and current scholarly efforts made in understanding and describing human happiness from a holistic and anthropological perspective. This will be followed by discussion and exploration of potential determinants of what the Greek philosophers called Eudaimonia, which we will define as a meaningful and fulfilled life.

About Dave:
Dave Shuler is an anthropologist, believer, teacher, farmer, every-day-philosopher and friend. His academic and professional studies have been centered mostly on international development, world cultures and religion, which naturally guided him to take up the academic study of happiness. Dave genuinely loves the mountains, good conversation, and difficult questions. He is delighted by his grandchildren, his own stupid-humor, silly or incredibly sad movies and ice cream.  

To explore:
·     Others you can find good audio/video (mostly on Youtube) which are good: Just type into Youtube any of the following names plus the word “happiness”:
  • Alain de Botton
  • Martin Seligman
  • Sonja Lyubomirsky
  • Dalai Lama
