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May 19 | Why everything you thought you knew about news is wrong

Thursday, May 19, 7:30 pm  |  Dialogue leaders: Whitney Evans & Ginny Romney

Mark & Elizabeth England's home at 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.

Discussion: web producer Whitney Evans and web editor/content manager Ginny Romney are budding web journalists working from a combined newsroom. They will lead a discussion on what media creators face while trying to integrate old and new news styles, and the factors that drive their day-to-day decisions: speed vs. accuracy, article performance, space online, and article curation. They will also talk about how to be a responsible and informed news consumer. 

About Whitney Evans:
Web editor for @DeseretNews.
Religion and feature reporter.
#Runner#Triathlete. Adventurer. Calligrapher. #Mormon

About Ginny Romney:
Compulsive talker, singer, writer, reader. SUU graduate, Arizona native.
@DeseretNews web team member. 
Aspiring political aficionado. Dabbler in many nerdoms!

Lot's of good stuff to explore:Be aware of the news you consume leading up to this meeting. Do you get your news from Twitter? Facebook? A friend's feed? Do you jump from article to article within a site or click away from a site once you're there? If you stay on a site, what made you stay? Pay attention to the elements that attracted you to the article: was it the headline? The photo? Both? What kept you reading or why did you jump away? Also, check out some of the home pages of different news sites.

WYNC podcast: On the Media
