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Thursday, May 18 | Challenging Our Implicit Biases


Dialogue leader: Dr. David Parker

Director, Center for Creating Community

Mark & Elizabeth England's
1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City.
Late-comers, please use the back door. 

Implicit bias refers to an automatic association people may make about groups of people along with stereotypes about those groups. In some situations, the automatic associations may influence behavior which can result in a person responding in a biased way even when they are not explicitly prejudiced. Over a course of time this can erode the relationship between members of the various communities in which we are active.

In this interactive conversation, we will examine the influence of implicit bias on understanding and working with contemporary social justice issues as they manifest in our lives.  

About David:
Dr. Parker’s life's work is dedicated to creating and sustaining inclusive environments, which led him to create the Center for Creating Community. He has worked with organizations such as schools and universities, law enforcement, domestic violence centers, juvenile justice centers, government agencies, and community groups focused on social justice across the country, Canada, and Portugal. Dr. Parker has served as the chairperson of the Citizens Advisory Board and as the Senior Advisor to the Chief of Police of the Salt Lake City Police Department. This experience deepened his lifelong respect and admiration for the men and women who choose law enforcement for their career. His doctoral degree is from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh in Educational Leadership with a focus on cultural transformation.

Stuff to explore:
A conversation with an Implicit Bias Skeptic
