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Showing posts from June, 2017

Thurs 6-15-17 | The Anarchist within Us | Travis Marker

> Dialogue leader: Travis Marker CEO and founder of Scrivener’s Quill Mark & Elizabeth England's 1194 South 500 East in Salt Lake City. Late-comers, please use the back door.   Discussion: Emma Goldman, an active and outspoken activist and anarchist argued that the populous should abandon the governing systems in the United States. We will look at the writings of Goldman and explore her role in bringing awareness to deficiencies in the legal system.   About Travis: Travis Marker is the CEO and founder of Scrivener’s Quill: A Center for Lawyers and Literature. Mr. Marker graduated with a double major in English and History from Weber State University and received his law degree and certificate in dispute resolution from Willamette University College of law. Travis  then earned a Master of Laws in dispute resolution from Bond University in  Australia  Mr. Marker is the most active scholar presenting CLE (Continuing ...